How does the process of signing the contracts work for employees?

We make signing contracts as easy and straightforward as possible! Here’s how it works:

  • Localised contracts: We provide contracts in your local language, along with an English translation for your reference. This ensures that you can fully understand the terms and conditions of your employment.

  • Streamlined process: The contract offer is triggered once your employer begins the Employer of Record (EOR) application process, which includes details like your gross salary, job title, and start date. You will complete, review and sign the EOR application within our safe and secure platform.

  • Electronic signing: There is no need to print or scan; Native Teams is here to offer modernised employment solutions! Our user-friendly app allows you to sign your contract electronically.

  • Easy access: Once everything is approved, your signed contract will be readily available in the documents section of your account for your reference.

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