What do I get with Legal entity services?

With our Legal Entity service, you will receive a range of benefits tailored to facilitate efficient business operations and maximise savings:

Fast and Simple Establishment

Open your UK firm swiftly with the help of our accountants, saving valuable time.


We’ll provide your company with a separate business IBAN.

Native Teams Card

Access your LTD business wallet, pay online and withdraw worldwide with the Native Teams card.

Reduced paperwork, maximum efficiency

Streamlined processes to minimise administrative burdens.

All-Inclusive Support

Comprehensive accounting and tax management services, along with access to expert tax consultants.

UK Business Account

With a UK business account, you’ll be able to track your business's income and expenses and create customised invoices.

No UK Residency, No Problem

Operate globally without the need for UK residency, maintaining flexibility in business operations.

Business Savings

Control profit distribution, benefit from favourable corporate tax rates, and exploit deductible business expenses to optimise tax savings.