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- Plans & Pricing
- Payments Pro plan
Payments Pro plan pricing
The Payments Pro plan can be purchased within four subscription tiers, depending on the total amount of funds in your wallet:
- Starting at €29 per month for up to €1,500 total amount of funds in the wallet.
- €49 per month for up to €3,500 total amount of funds in the wallet.
- €69 per month for up to €5,000 total amount of funds in the wallet.
- €89 per month for over €5,000 total amount of funds in the wallet.
Our pricing rates are tailored to reflect our commitment to transparency, accessibility, fair treatment, and custom solutions that cater to each user’s individual needs.
Please note that upon reaching higher usage limits and elevating to a higher tier for a given month, you will remain in that tier until you request a downgrade by contacting our team.
Any questions? Feel free to contact support at support@nteams.com.