In order to ensure compliance with regulations and maintain the safety of Native Teams for all users, we might inquire about the origin of your funds when you utilise your account.
You could be requested to provide evidence of your funds in the following situations:
If you conduct a transfer significantly larger than your usual transactions;
If you constantly move an unusually high amount over an extended period, such as a substantial sum within a single month.
To understand better where your funds come from, the shared document has to consist of the following:
Your business;
Your business address;
The issue date;
Parties and signatures (if applicable, for ex., if an agreement between parties is shared).
| Information we typically request are:
Proof of identity;
ID card;
Driving licence;
Work permit.
Proof of address (utility bill, rental agreement, bank statement);
Bank statements from the last six months;
Utility bills from the last three months;
Rental agreement;
Proof of your business;
Agreements with clients/correspondence;
Service agreements from the last six months.
Your documents will be accepted when:
Share files in PDF, JPEG, or PNG format;
Edited documents are not acceptable;
Ensure you share the full document with no missing pages or sections;
Share scanned documents; we don't accept screenshots.
Please note that if the documents shared do not fulfil the requirement, we might ask for supporting documentation.